Last Updated on February 19, 2020
1. When a person is detained……………
a) let him go
b) he is physically obtained
c) Not free to leave
Answer2. Reinforce frames and multiple locks, the heavy-duty locking system is……
a) Window safety
b) door protection
Answer3. When you receive a bomb threat…………..
a) Be quick
b) Be nosily
c) Be calm
Answer4. ……… are used as a centre of operation
a) centre station
b) Base station
c) vehicle
Answer5. ………. is the bias against someone or something because of personal belief
a) Prejudice
b) stereotyping
c) discrimination
Answer6. When you arrest a person………
a) Identify yourself
b) Tell the reason for arrest
c) call the police
d) All of the above
Answer7. The fence around a building is…….
a) Perimeter protection
b) building protection
c) both
Answer8. When you use deadly force…………
a) Kidnap
b) Robbery
c) Enter inhabitant area
d) All of the above
Answer9. ………. can emphasis of the main point of the report
a) Summary
b) Body
a) introduction
Answer10. What kind of property is protected by private security?
a) Client
b) Common
c) Government
d) Company
Answer11. With the skill and attitude to do their job in the best possible was is……..
a) Posture
b) Creative
c) Professional
d) Conduct
Answer12. 4’c’ is collaboration, co-operation, clarity and…..
a) Celerity
b) Creativity
c) Circle
d) Critical
Answer13. Aspect of deportment is………….
a) Celerity
b) Creative
c) Posture
d) Position
Answer14. As a security business security must be always balance against……..
a) Company
b) Supervisor
c) Assistance
d) customer
Answer15. Peer pressure and frustration could be case of…….
a) Creativity
b) Celerity
c) conduct
c) Misconduct
Answer16. Effective way to get the job done means…………….
a) Good work
b) Professional
c) Job
d) Teamwork
Answer17. Don’t say anything in a report that you can not…
a) Justify
b) Write
c) Tell
d) find
Answer18. Observation skill are…………….
a) proactive
b) involve
c) Encourage
d) individual
Answer19. A narrative report has three-part, those are introduction, body and………………
a) Conclusion
b) Summary
c) Highlights
d) paragraph
Answer20. Fence around the building is…………..
a) Problem
b) position
b) Perimeter
c) create
Answer21. Speaking clearly and………… At dialogue
a) Loudly
b) Slowly
c) Softly
d) wrong
Answer22. …………. make the decision that is actually charged will be required to attend court.
a) Lawyer
b) Advocate
c) Prosecutor
d) police
Answer23. Everybody has to use………….. To defend themselves
a) Wrong
b) Right
c) Force
d) Problem
Answer24. Plunger a spring by a door is common……………
a) Search
b) Duties
c) Work
d) electromechanical system
Answer25. Try and solve a present………….. Is work of security
a) problem
b) scene
c) Range
d) bacteria
Answer26. Three major types of alarms distress, fire and…………..
a) Fuel
b) Natural
c) Common
d) intrusion
Answer27. The goal of security is the identification and prevention of problem that…………your client
a) Position
b) Problem
c) Case
d) affect
Answer28. There are three alarms monitoring systems Local, central and……
a) chemical
b) natural
c) Institution
d) remote
Answer29. Unless there is serious emergency you should not search…….
a) mixed gender
b) neuter gender
c) Feminine gender
Answer30. Private security is a commercial service which providing…………….
a) Prevention
b) Focus
c) Protection
d) Safe
Answer31. Security means secure, safe and………… From danger
a) Safe
b) Prevention
c) Free
d) safety
Answer32. There are three types of radios, they are portable, base and………….
a) Bus radio
b) Taxi radio
c) Car radio
d) station radio
Answer33. The primary court in each state under the federal law is called the……
a) Court of first instruction
b) Court of first instance
c) court of first institute
Answer34. If you are testifying in court, you should be on time, be prepared and…………..
a) Act professional
b) Act professionally
c) Act justify
Answer35. Basic function of law is divided into…………….
a) divided into two category
b) divided into three category
c) both
Answer36. Private security protects people, property and……….
a) data storage
b) life
c) Health
d) soil
Answer37. Approving Security Company establishing standards……………..
a) Responsibilities of police
b) responsibilities of security regulation
c) Responsibility of Labor
Answer38. As a security guard when you make a report should flow………
a) Five ‘W’s and one H
b) Four ‘W’ and one ‘H’
c) ‘4’W and 1 H
Answer39. There is no crime if the act is presented in the user right of…………..
a) Police
b) Arms
c) Legal defense
d) Court
Answer40. Part of security guard is………
a) To access an event
b) To assistance an event
c) to customs an event
Answer41. Failing to do something……………….
a) required by law is an act
b) required by law is a conduct
c) Required by law is an omission
Answer42. Where held an accident its scene……………
a) Could become good
b) could become better
c) could become crime
Answer43. the most important tools in dealing with the difficult people are…….
a) Your large
b) your behave
c) your attitude
Answer44. A program and information obtain by a person or company is……………..
a) personal property
b) client property
c) intellectual property
Answer45. Assume that, your report could be read by anyone and don’t say anything in it that You cannot justify are the important considerations of………
a) Observation
b) Crime
c) Culture
d) reports
Answer46. Private security supports the police in the country in ensuring………………..
a) A safe and stable society
b) A safe and stable crime
c) A safe and stable city
Answer47. the most aspect of building evacuation is having a plan save evacuation and……..
a) Construction with panic
b) conflict with panic
c) conducting without panic
Answer48. ……………. is not always suitable for high security area
a) Personal relation
b) Personal recognition
c) Personal conflict
Answer49. Searches should only be done if there is suspicion an arrested person has…..
a) Weapon
b) notebook
c) prohibited items
d) providing items
Answer50. As a security if you get a item in search that is not permitted you……
a) Tell the person they are under arrest
b) tell the person angrily
c) Tell the person politely this is not authorized
d) Tell the person with wrongly
Answer51. If you have nothing to do in a fire……………
a) Call to police
b) call civil defense
c) call supervisor
Answer52. Security guard can practice good fire prevention by………………..
a) Being observed and aware
b) Being observed and aware of two sites
c) Being observed and aware of surroundings
d) Being observed and see one site
Answer53. the most important things to deal with an emergency are……………
a) Plan for the finish
b) Plan for to happen
c) Plan for to gone
Answer54. Type of emergency is……….
a) danger to health
b) danger to murder
c) danger to life
d) danger to accident
Answer55. Grid concentric, circles bottom to top………………..
a) are common methods of bomb threat search
b) are common methods of crime
c) Are common methods of duties
d) are common methods of patrol
Answer56. Drawing an incident scene is………..
a) Documentary scene
b) real scene
c) visible scene
d) withdraw scene
Answer57. The two basic requirements of personal access are determining…..level of access
a) identify and determining
b) taken and observed
c) observed and report
Answer58. A primary client is…………
a) security supervisor
b) security customer
c) security assistance
Answer59. You will be successful if you provide……………….. And the public
a) Good service to company
b) good service to people
c) good service to client
Answer60. Site orders are used to give guidance to security guards……………….
a) About requirements a site
b) about requirements at a job
c) About requirements at an accident
d) about requirements at a middle
Answer61. Corrections should always be made in a notebook in……………..
a) The wrong way
b) The proper way
c) The easy way
Answer62. Ethics is knowing the difference between good and bad, right and wrong an
Recognizing moral……….
a) Work and behave
b) Duties and obligation
c) Attitude and culture
Answer63. Causes of misconduct include peer pressure opportunity…………………
a) rationalization and frustration
b) relation and co-operation
Answer64. The key to awareness is………………..
a) Work
b) Knowledge
c) Duties
d) education
Answer65. When using radio speak………
a) clearly and roughly
b) clearly and slowly
c) Clearly and loudly
d) clearly and shortly
Answer66. You call the police only when there is……………….
a) an important
b) emergency
c) an idea
d) normal condition
Answer67. An arrest is detention according to and under the…….
a) authority of the court
b) authority of law
c) authority of crime
Answer68. Protection of property and client……… is one of the basic duties of a guard
a) House
b) Building
c) Assets
d) all of the above
Answer69. Prejudice is prejudging someone or something because of a……..
a) external belief
b) positional belief
c) Internal belief
Answer70. When dealing with a crowd, be friendly but firm, keep your eyes on the crowd and Call for assistance if a…………….
a) problem is arise
b) position is arise
c) critical point
Answer71. In an evacuation be prepared to help the disabled the elderly…
a) infinite and children
b) infants and children
c) doing on duties
Answer72. People have a different reaction in………
a) an accident
b) emergency
c) an incident
d) an occurrence
Answer73. Notebooks should be completed in………..
a) The different way every time
b) the same way every time
c) None of them
Answer74. Not all observation needs to be shared only those which have an impact on the Impact on the security of……………………………………………………
a) client and customer
b) your company
c) your client or supervisor
Answer75. Evidence is used to determine facts recreate events and identify people or things
a) an accident
b) to an incident
c) crime
d) None of them
Answer76. When testifying in a court, guards should always follow the…………
a) instruction of the client
b) instruction of the judge
c) instruction of the company
Answer77. Witness statements should be……. in your notebook
a) Write
b) take a report
c) should be write
d) recorded
Answer78. Security guards must be able to justify using force and that the force used was Reasonable necessary and not………………………………………………..
a) Important
b) A lot
c) Suitable
d) Excessive
Answer79. There are A-B-C-E fire extinguisher types each used for a…… kind of fire
a) Common
b) Basic
c) General
d) specific
Answer80. the most important tool in dealing with difficult people is……………..
a) metal detection
b) your attitude
c) your decision
d) All of the above
Answer81. What is the most important aspect when making a building evacuation?
a) Call the supervisor
b) Use security awareness
c) Conducting it without panic
Answer82. …………..alarms should be treated as genuine
a) Some
b) Most
c) All
d) All of the above
Answer83. Individual behaviour that makes an assumption about people or culture as a group
a) Stereotyping
b) Prejudice
c) partiality
d) all of the above
Answer84. Legitimate defence conditions are
a) Four
b) Five
c) Two
d) All of the above
Answer85. Colour of co2 extinguisher
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Black
d) None of the above
Answer86. If a customer shouts at you, you will
a) shout at him
b) Try to calm
c) call police
d) inform supervisor
Answer87. Using safety signs are for
a) To lead people
b) To control people
c) To warn people
Answer88. A security guard on patrol hears the unusual sound and he wants to invest patrol known as
a) Random
b) Proactive
c) reactive
d) All of the above
Answer89. If someone points a knife on your face while you are on duty what will you do
a) Kill the person
b) Run away from there
c) call police
d) legitimate defence
Answer90. Properly equipped security guards must have
a) Notebook
b) Gun
c) walkie talkie
d) Except ‘b’
e) all of the above
Answer91. Before carrying out access control or search, you should know
a) Your security company’s regulation
b) Your client’s wishes
c) All of the above
Answer92. Being a professional a guard should
a) Use high tone, volume & force and always use sarcasm
b) Always exercise discretion
c) Never ignore verbal abuse
d) All of the above
Answer93. Elements of crime are
a) Mature, sane, not under duress
b) Legal, moral, material
c) Illegal, immoral, material
Answer94. How many kinds of man-made hazards do you know?
a) 10
b) 12
c) 8
d) 5
Answer95. Upon receiving a bomb threat what are the things a security guard do and off
a) Radio
b) mobile phone
b) send a run messenger to inform
c) a & b only
Answer96. Arresting or detaining defined as
a) Deprivation of the right to choose
b) Deprivation of freedom either temporarily or permanently
c) Deprivation of freedom to live free
d) Deprivation of liberty
Answer97. Two types of language
a) Positive and negative
b) passive and loud
c) Passive and aggressive
Answer98. Security duties can be divided into two
a) Static and patrol
b) Static and by foot
c) public and private
Answer99. Public security duties are
a) Prevent crime
b) detect crime
c) apprehend offend
d) enforce laws where appropriate
e) All of the above
Answer100. Private security duty can be divided as
a) Static and patrol
b) Public and private
c) In house and contract