Access control in a site basic security guard training

Last Updated on December 17, 2024

Basic security guard training Unit 4 Lesson (A)

What is access control in security guard? it is a method used to control and monitor the entry of people, vehicles, and goods to a specific site. It ensures that only authorized individuals are in the right place and at the right time.

The access control mechanism is used everywhere, including your house, car, and office. For example, you close doors, windows, and gates when leaving the house, lock your car after parking, and secure doors and windows after office hours. All these activities are performed to prevent unauthorized entry and ensure safety.

What is the Purpose of access control: 

There can be many reasons why the access control mechanism

  1. Controlling the flow of people – control and monitor the movement of people.
  2. Prevent unauthorized access – Ensures only authorized personnel can access specific locations.
  3. Manage vehicle flow – Controls the entry and exit of vehicles.
  4. Prevent unauthorized vehicles – Stop unauthorized vehicles from leaving or entering the premises.
  5. Monitor goods movement – Prevents unauthorized goods from entering or exiting the site.
  6. Create a secure environment – Enhances safety and security in the workplace.

Aim of the access control in Security:

Access control is a key duty of security guards. It aims to prevent unauthorized individuals, vehicles, and materials from accessing the property. By controlling the movement of people, vehicles, and goods in and out of the site, security guards ensure the safety and protection of the premises.

What is the level of access control for security guards?

The level of access control may vary depending on the site and what it needs to protect. But, in common, there are three categories of access control as following;

1. Minimum access control:

Minimum access control applies to areas where general permission is granted to everyone, such as shopping malls, public parks, bus stations, and railway stations. In these places, it is assumed that all individuals entering have a lawful purpose.

However, as a security guard, you must restrict access to anyone who violates the law or regulations to maintain order and safety.

2. Mediam access control :

Medium access control usually applies to residential buildings and offices. Security guards manage access by using intercom systems to verify visitors. They record visitor information, issue visitor passes, and record the person being visited along with the purpose of the visit in their log book.

Guards allow individuals to enter the premises only after having permission from the concerned person.

3. Maximum access control:

The maximum level of access control is found in sensitive sites, such as military bases, government offices, labs software manufacturers, etc. The access controls here combine both the security guard and alarm system.

Security guards are responsible for searching vehicles, baggage, and even individuals as required by the site’s security protocols.

Rules of Access Control:

Access control rules depend on the site’s specific requirements.

  1. Allow public access during specific times: Some areas allow the general public to enter at specific times and days. For example, people can access the lobby or waiting area during office hours, but security guards restrict entry after hours.
  2. Control parking area access: Security personnel manage access to parking areas, applying rules based on time and purpose.
  3. Update rules based on security needs: Top management reviews security matters and updates access control rules as needed.
  4. Restrict employee movement: In large organizations, employees cannot enter other departments unless they have a valid reason.
  5. Apply rules to everyone: Security guards enforce these rules for both employees and the public to maintain safety and order.

What does access control determine?

  1. Need of the clients:

The clients who do business with a company always are concerned about the safety of the products that they have bought, or that they have stored.

Sometimes the clients need different types of entry and egress mechanisms. The result for that the policy can be changed as per the client’s requirement.

2. The owner of the property:

The property owner may set all rules of the access control. He instructs the security guard who can access the building or area. And, what needs to search before entering and exiting the property.


If you are working in a shopping mall or a residential building where the elevator or escalator facilities are available. You are responsible for supervising the elevator operation. Make sure the following things go well in the operation of the elevator.

  1. Notify the maximum load to the passengers.
  2. Encourage the passenger to move to the rear of the elevator and face to the front.
  3. Make sure the people’s clothing and personal belongings are away from the door on closer.
  4. Know the emergency system such as a stop button, bell, and telephone numbers.

access control

Access Control Method:

The access control method may vary depending on the site, but it generally follows three main layers: the outer perimeter, inner perimeter, and central core area.

  1. Outer Perimeter: This is the outer boundary of the property, such as fences, gates, or surrounding areas.
  2. Inner Perimeter: This includes the building’s walls, doors, and windows, which act as barriers to control entry.
  3. Central Core: This is the most secure interior part of the building or site, where sensitive operations or assets are located.

Controlling the movements of people 

Security guards control the movement of people across various parts of the site through three phases of defense:

  1. Perimeter
  2. Inner Circle:
  3. Center Core:

Security personnel must manage and monitor the movement of people at all three layers to ensure effective protection and prevent unauthorized access.

How to control access at the perimeter?

  1. Fences and walls
  2. Gates and other openings
  3. Infrared beam perimeter security systems
  4. Cameras
  5. Lighting

How to control access to the inner perimeter?

  1. Entry through the security guard
  2. Enter through the mechanical and electrical devices.

Entry through the security guard;

You may ask to do duty at the entrance of the building and be responsible for checking the personal identity and determining whether a person to allowed in or not. The following way you should allow the person to access the building.

  1. personal recognition:
    • (you know the person personally) is only useful for small businesses. Also, it applies in an area where the less movement of the people. Such as regular vendors, visitors, and employees who only come for work.
  2. ID system:
    • (check the person has a valid ID card) these are things you should make sure of while checking the ID.
      • a colored photo and physical description of the holder
      • the full name and signature of the holder
      • the company’s name and an issuing authority’s signature
      • an expiry date
      • A serial number and employee number
  3. Special passes:
    • In a high-security area, the person requires a special pass to access there. If the person is a temporary worker he needs a special pass from the security guard. He provides you driving license, national ID card, or any other government-issued identity, and you provide a special pass.
    • At the exiting time, you should return your ID and get back the special passes. You should record all the details in the logbook including entry/exit time and description of the work he has done.

Entry through the mechanical/electrical device;

It is used in the medium level of access where a security guard does not need to check everything about the employees. They can go in by using pre-approval electrical and mechanical cards, keys, and storage data.

    1. Keys
    2. Tough keypads
    3. ID card tags
    4. Proximity cards
    5. Biometric identification

Controlling the movements of vehicles

Controlling vehicle movement is as important as managing people on the site. As a security guard, you must take specific measures to enforce access control rules effectively. Your main responsibilities include:

  1. Allowing only authorized vehicles: Ensure that only vehicles with proper authorization can enter the site.
  2. Preventing unauthorized equipment and material removal: Check vehicles to stop unauthorized equipment or materials from being taken out of the premises.
  3. Maintaining a vehicle log: Record details of all vehicles entering and leaving the site to keep an accurate log for security purposes.

 Tools to use for vehicle control:

    • Gate
    • Barrier
    • Traffic cone
    • Sign and symbol

When controlling vehicle movement, ensure that only pre-approved vehicles enter the site. Employees must obtain approval from company management to bring their cars, and you must verify that the vehicle has the approved company label or sticker.

You should log vehicles in and out of the premises and register the driver’s details in the access control book. Additionally, check the vehicle’s size and height. If a vehicle exceeds the site’s size or height limits, immediately inform your supervisor.

Your task on controlling the delivery vehicle

  1. check vehicle license numbers and driver’s name
  2. Only the proper authorized delivery is given and received
  3. receive the delivery by post orders
  4. Check the vehicle is sealed and that the “seal” is not broken or tempered.
  5. Verify the vehicle when leaving the premises to make sure it has loaded only authorized items and has waybills and any other supporting documents.
  6. Check the vehicle cabs to discover the prohibited items that may be concealed.

3. Controlling the movement of the material 

Controlling the material access is the most sensitive task a security guard performs on duty. In the course of your duty, you may deal with the illegal removal of the material from your site either through the employees or the service vendor.

Routinely employees leave the site with things like a laptop, computer, computer parts, full briefcase with goods, or the vehicle.

As your part of the duty, you should allow only the legitimate material in and out of the premises. If you find anything without approval taken out, then ask for the gate pass from the responsible person.

There is no doubt in today’s world, industrial espionage is increasing day by day. Hence, the security guard has to prevent accessing sensitive material and removing it from the company.

Shipping and receiving controls

In some instances, the client may ask the security guard to sign some documents for shipping and receiving the goods. The clear client’s instruction requires or your post order includes these tasks to do on your duty.

You should comply with the client’s wishes when you control the movement of the material. You may be required to do, as follows, with the shipping and receiving items.

  • Fill out the special form for the receiving packages if available.
  • complete the logbook of the shipping and receiving of goods
  • Delivery sign-out and sign-in
  • Make arrangements for the delivery and recipient of goods.


  1. What is access control in security guard? Access control is a security measure for managing the movement of people, vehicles, and materials when in and out of the site.
  2.  There are many reasons why access is controlled and it can be controlled by
      • Physical systems (such as barriers, gates and doors, etc.)
      • The man guarding (security guard controls the movement) or
      • Combination of both
  3. Guard should be familiar with their site policies regarding access and be aware of their response to common access control situations
  4. The 2 basic requirements of personnel access are
      • Determining to identify and
      • Determining the level of access.
  5. Identification shown to you by a visitor/co-rep may not necessarily be in the form of an ID card.
  6. Guards may be required to make sure there is a sign-in/sign-out log at their site
  7. In handling unauthorized access, guards should make sure that they know their site policies and remain policy at all times.
  8. There are 3 main responsibilities in controlling vehicle access:
      • Only authorized vehicles are permitted
      • Unauthorized equipment and material removal
      • and maintain a log of a vehicle entering and leaving
  9. The guard should be aware of the approved vehicle at their site
  10. The guard should be aware of the height and size limitations of a vehicle access point
  11. Ensure that vehicle access points are clear for approaching emergency vehicles.
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