Dealing with bomb threat security guard training

Last Updated on September 26, 2019

Basic security guard training Unit 5 Lesson (B)

Bomb threats are not common emergency situations that a security guard has to deal with. Although the bomb threats are relatively rear, during this time a security guard has to deal appropriatelyĀ and assist the people in the right direction.

Although the bomb threats are not common most of them are pranks. However, anything explodes can kill the people and destroy the property. It is important for the security guard to treat all the bomb threats seriously.

It is harder to guess what kinds of people make the bomb threat but under some circumstances, any person can threat anyone if they have a lack of social power to express their dissatisfaction with someone.

The following people can make a bomb threat to the organization or any people.

  1. Family member and co-workers:- Someone who has a problem with one person and want to make the person feels responsible for the suffering of many persons.
  2. Unhappy customer:- The customer who feels did not get the service that he or she deserves. For example; a customer bought the faulty item and wanted to return but there is no return policy and treated badly from the employees.
  3. Angry employee:- The employees who feel that they are not treated fairly and want to get back the management. Such as employees who are fired.
  4. Protestor:- Somone who is in a different political and religious group. Intentionally they want to threaten others who support and believe differently.
  5. Prankster:- A person plays with trick and dares to do so.
Where the threat can happen?
  • Anywhere someone thinks that fear can result in a reaction.
  • Bombs are more correctly called explosive device
People use the methods of a bomb threat;

People may use many ways to threaten the people but most general methods are as followings.

  1. By people
  2. On telephone
  3. On the email, Letter and package.
If you receive a bomb threat in a person:
  • Act calmly, if you panic the people nearby would panic too.
  • If it is not possible, keep the person with you who has reported the threat
  • ensure you have full information about that person.
  • Make complete notes.
  • When receiving a threat, it remembers to act calmly and get as much information as possible.
If you receive a bomb threat by telephone;
  • Try and signal someone to listen on another extension. One person speaks and another one notes.
  • Go through the checklist of a question to ask.
  • Stay calm, you are the most helpful by getting information. Gathering information as possible.
  • Listen carefully, you may hear something in the background that would be a clue
  • Follow the site procedures and call the police, if required.
If you receive a bomb threat by letter and parcel;
  1. Feels the letter or packages:- the letter feels stiff and unbalance, may thick and heavier, it may make sloshing or clunking sound.
  2. Carefully observe the written:- It may be badly written and typed.
  3. Place of origin:- Note from where the package come from? is sender familiar? is the letter was expected?
  4. Name of receiver:-Ā There is not any specific receiver, may be addressed only position such as president or manager etc.
  5. Smell:-Ā an odour coming from the package. Explosives smell like almonds.
  6. Packaging:-Ā Not a professional packaging, for example; the wrapping is just like used before.
  7. Sound:– Any suspicious sound hearing.
Bomb Search has five basic Principles:
  1. Have a plan. ( the Company has a plan, or make a plan before conducting the search)
  2. Evacuation priorities. ( Priorities elderly, infant, children and women)
  3. Emergency response. ( Follow the emergency response plan of your site)
  4. Building experts. ( Take advice from the building experts they know the routes and structure of the building)
  5. Search procedure. (Follow the basic bomb search procedure or methods)
Common methods of bomb search;

The key of the search is to know what to search and what do not. If you find the suspicious item do not touch and search as an organized and professional manner. There are the most common methods of search for the suspicious item as following;

  1. Grid
  2. Concentric circle
  3. Bottom to top
Suspicious items:
  • Suspicious item can be found almost anywhere. They are often made to look like a part of their surroundings.
  • They usually don’t look like a bomb. rarely do they look like a bomb.
  • An explosive device or suspicious item can be almost anywhere: in the open area, garbage can or next to a piece of machinery, like briefcase/sports bag.
  • Use your security awareness to help determine if the car or truck belongs to there.
Step to take if you find a suspicious device:
  • Clear the area of 100 meters.
  • If you cannot advise to your planned contact, call the police by landline phone
  • If you found explosive device/suspicious items, don’t touch it
  • Keep the people away from the bomb, not the bomb away from people.
  • Do not change the environmental condition surrounding the suspicious item.
  • Secure the area from the unauthorized person, they can access and detonate the devices

In summary

  • All bomb threat should take seriously.
  • Prepare in advance what to do if you receive a bomb threat
      1. know your site contact,
      2. have a question checklist prepared
      3. and know your site response plan.
  • Whether you receive a threat by telephone or in person, get as much information as possible
  • There are 5 basic principles of bomb threat searches
  • There are 3 common types of search methods
  • Makes notes of the area you have checked in a search, do not rely on your memory
  • An explosive device, or suspicious items, can be almost anywhere. It may contain in other items, such as a briefcase or sports bag.
  • If you find an explosive device or suspicious items, don’t touch it
  • If you find a device or suspicious items call your planned contact or (contact the police)
  • evacuate the area for 100m
  • remember not to use a radio or mobile phone
  • Move people away from the item.


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