highest demand jobs in dubai for 2020 after Covid 19

Last Updated on May 30, 2020

The novel corona-virus has altered the environment of the global labor market. The UAE also could not remain un-impacted. Most of the recruitment activities have been stopped but some sectors still are not finding the talents, so, those positions have become the highest demand jobs in Dubai for 2020.

When the government in the UAE also adopted the lock-down and restrictions methods to contain the covi19’s spread, the cause of that many private’s companies have suffered from huge losses even some are at the critical juncture nearly bankrupt or could not recover near future.

Now let’s talk about which sector of jobs will remain high over the years. Recruitment agencies in the UAE have been seen to have completely collapsed, neither job-seekers nor businesses are active in the job search platform.

To make you believe that they exist, the recruitments firms post jobs on their website on a regular basis, but most of them are old jobs, or some of them might be fake.

There is already good sign in the UAE tech sector, they post the recovery and could be strong for 2020 and so on.

Highest demand jobs in Dubai and UAE

  1. Technically skilled jobs
    • data scientists/analysts
    • project/product managers
    • full-stack developers
    • UI/UX developers and even
    • technology evangelists.

The average salary of the above listed skilled employees is Dh, 17000 to 35,000 depending on the experience, time frame of the project to deliver and company size, etc.

2. eCommerce jobs

    • Designer and developer
    • marketing and customer service roles
    • Logistic and deliver staffs

Mainly eCommerce businesses run the three-section design of a technology platform, mid-stage marketing, and customer support and the last leg is logistics and distribution. These three places are actively active in recruiting staff.

UAE eCommerce companies are hiring spree while other sectors are reducing the employee’s salary or laying off the staff. The top recruitment firms in the UAE have not found people with some special skills in the UAE job market.

3. Finance and sales roles

    •  pharmaceutical,
    • FMCG and
    • education sectors

4.  Healthcare sector

    • Doctors
    • Nurses
    • lab technicians
    • other medical staffs

There is a shortage of medical staff in the private and government hospitals because the rise in the virus outbreak has increased the demand for medical personnel.

Not only the hospital needs medical staff, but also the companies hire nurses to check the virus for the staff when they go to work and go back to work.

Which roles have hit hard?

A company that pays higher salaries such as HR, Administrative, and other management roles, including digital marketing and advertising roles have affected very hard. Hiring the specialist in these positions will slow down by 2021.

What the companies have learned?

Another lesson that the organization has learned from this pandemic is to integrate technology and set up a basic infrastructure that will support employees working from home or remotely in the event of anything like COVID 19 happening.

The companies that had the system allowed workers to work from home, but the companies that did not have the technology and basic infrastructure and did not have skilled personnel could not do much about in the current situation.

How is the highest demand jobs in Dubai filled?

The companies are looking for candidates for the high demand jobs in Dubai locally but there are not sufficient number of candidates, so, they are going to hire from India and the European countries.

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Hello, everyone, I am Ranga Singh the founder of closecareer.com. For the past 17yrs, I worked in aboard. Now, I have been researching the job market, especially in the Gulf region. The main purpose of the website is to give information, advice, and guidance to the people about the job, education visa and travel. I want to support young people for a happy and successful career.
