Last Updated on February 7, 2020
An interview is a questioning and answering session, in addition, It is the most important conversation between interviewer and interviewee where the questions are asked and the answer is given.
The interviewer asks questions, and candidates respond usually the information transfer from the interviewee to the interviewer.
If you have chosen the security guard or officer for your career you need to face the interview to become the security guards and officers.
Wining the interview depends on the level of your preparation before you attend the interview.
In this post, I give you some guidelines which would help you to figure out how to prepare for a security guard interview and make sure you follow the proper guidelines to be ready for the security guard interview.
In the security guard interview just like the other jobs, you should impress and convince the interviewers that you have the skills and abilities to perform tasks as per the job requires.
Hereby I have provided some tips that help you to impress the interviewers in the security guard interview.
1. Your dress up
Although security officers carry out the most important task in an organization many people think the security job is not professional work.
Today in the competitive world’s job market, security job also not easy to get for the individual without checking their skills and experience by the interviewer.
Deportment is another job a security guard has to always maintain at a high level. The clean, neat and ironed dress is an element of the deportment, therefore, attending in the interview, it is a great idea to dress up appropriately because the interviewer thinks you would follow the same thing after joining his/her company.
If you show up casually dress while in a security guard interview it can be a red flag, the reason is that you are not allowed to perform security tasks in any types of the dress instead of the company uniform.
What are interviewers notice first?
I asked many HR managers of the security companies and recruitment companies who have been actively involving in recruiting security personnel in Dubai. Usually, the first thing they notice about you is how you look.
In another word, an interview is a formal event so you have to demonstrate the impression you are prepared and come for the interview. While you attend the interview in casually dress the interviewer will not tell anything or any comment on your dress but in their mind, they will devalue your ability to perform the job.
The security guard judge by their dress, posture, how they behave and how they conduct. Security guard plays a role in enforcing the rule and regulation in the company and they are considered as an authority.
You should look like an authority by dressing yourself while attending the interview. If you are men please always make a plan to wear at least formal neatly ironed dress shirt, tie, and a suit. If you are women please attend the interview in a professional wardrobe.
2. Demeanour and professionalism
The position of a Security Officer always includes interaction with various kinds of people such as people with good/ bad behavior, children, disable, minority and people with special needs.
When you dealing with the public you must interact politely, courteously and professionally. When attending the interview, make sure you reflect a similar attitude with the interviewer.
Ask the permission before entering the interview room or hall; greet the interviewer with a smile, don’t sit unless they allowed you to take a chair, these activities can go a long way in helping to establish your demeanour to the interviewers.
3. Answering the interview questions
The interviewer wants to know what you did in the past about the specific role, duty, and responsibility as a security guard. While the specific questions ask don’t give the answer in a generic way or as like you read.
For example:– how to control the access in a building? Don’t start to answer something like this “access control means controlling the movement of the people, vehicles, and material when enter and exit the site”.
Here is the sample answer “ while I was working as a security guard in Nusantara security company. I had to do many things for access control such as checking the visitor ID, inspecting the vehicle, recording the entry and egress of the people, vehicles, and material when entering and exiting from my site”.
By telling your direct real experience as a story, you will be able to get the full attention of the interviewer and now you are guiding the interviewer to ask the question from your real experiences.
4. Your Resume
Even though the job advertising did not ask you to send or carry the resume make sure you come to attend the interview with a professional resume.
The security guards or officers should prepare and have a plan to deal with unexpected events. If you attend the interview with a professional CV or resume it displays that you have a plan and prepared in advance to deal with an unexpected event.
In the resume, include your experiences related to the security job or the job which are similar in nature just like police or military.
5. Salary negotiation
The salary negotiation with the employer is a harder part of the interview. Before the interview, you should know the salary of the other security officers in many companies in the security industry.
My suggestion is that, If the range of the salary is below your expectation then don’t apply unless you desperately need the job. If the salary is your expectation then you can negotiate for a higher salary with the employer.
always remembers that negotiation is a two-way street. You should tell the interviewer what higher value you can bring to the company which deserves higher pay. Identify your higher-value tasks and your qualities which brings into the security company that justifies a higher salary.
final thoughts;
When you apply for any positions in the security company should face the interview. The interview is the most important part of starting your career because the interviewer provides the job opportunity in their organization. So, don’t take the interview in the easiest way. The key to success in the interview is the preparation that’s why always follow the above tips to prepare for the security guard interview.
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