Last Updated on February 7, 2020
A company employs a Salesperson for selling their product to the customer. Although salespeople duties and responsibilities heavily depend on the company sizes, types of industry and the management style. In all case, the main objective is to maximize product sales and high customer satisfaction through the services.
The salesperson works with different types of goods and services. In the small retail store, a salesperson has a role to interact with customers, display items in the selling area, advice customer and company in the need.
But, the large organization has a deferent sales department and salespeople have various active roles and divided into several ranks. They do including maintaining the customer relationship, manage the customers and product database, business planning and preparing sales strategies. Guiding product training, and safeguarding smooth sales processes at all times.
Additionally, salespeople work in a variety of roles such as sales managers, supervisor, coordinator, salesman, and saleslady. In addition, they have various hours in work settings. generally, salespersons have own working schedule in the organization.
For example, Sales department functions like this, some salesmen go to meet clients, some attend the product training and some spend time in office at clients’ transit area. Flexibility in working hours required for this position.
To be the salesperson or lady the proper education is required however some employers prefer a minimum high school diploma and some previous sales experiences.
If the company depends heavily on sales activities. The interviewers give high priority to the Experience, knowledge, and customer service skills rather than education for this position.
Whatever it can be, but the first things important is to prepare for the interview and know the possible interview question.
Salesman interview goes as a dialogue between the two parties about the business deal. Hence, don’t be forget that most of the questions asked related to testing experience, skills, and task handling ability.
There are many questions for the salesman interview despite that some most important are as follows.
1. Why sales?
This question has been frequently asking the fresh candidate to know their interest in the position and the motive behind it. The candidate who has previously experienced easy to answer this. But fresher has to answer what inspired you to choose sales position out of a hundred others over there.
Sample answer:- Because it is the most challenging and most interesting line of work. The salesperson works on commission or reward base cause of that we can make a lot of money. Another reason that I love salesperson is every day is a different day and never bored with it.
2. Regarding your parent, you are willing to leave them. Because you are only one child and only one who is taking care of them?
Generally, this question may ask, if you are only one child of your parents. Even though your parents do not agree with your overseas career. here is an answer which suitable for everyone.
Sample answer:- After consulting my parents I made the plan for the overseas job. Yes, of course, I would leave them because everything I do is for them.
3. Why did you decide on our company to work?
This question asks to test your interest in that company. Before goes for the interview, do some online researches of that organization. Read “about us” page on the company website. Go through company profile on Facebook, LinkedIn, Glassdoor or any other job listing website.
If you are interested in the company you might have done research to know about the company. You don’t know anything about it means, you just applied for the job in multiple companies at the same time without any career goal. Here is a sample answer it may help you to answer this question.
Sample Answer:- I heard your company is one of the best and biggest companies in the Middle East. All that I have contacted working in your company found a very happy in terms of salary, accommodation, allowances and another most important aspect is a career development within the organization.
4. How long you would work in our company?
Not any employers expect their employees to leave the job after working a few days, a few months and a few years. Since the sales department is important for company business growth, it requires the most experienced and skillful salespeople in the sales department.
Answering this question you should convince the interviewer that you would not leave the job near future after having some experiences and learning the skills in their organization. just read the following answers and give accordingly.
Sample answer:- To be honest sir I would like to work with your company as long as possible unless I get physically and mentally challenged.
Sample answer:- Though I am a fresher if I get a chance to work in your company I would be grateful. As you concern how long I would stay in your company depends on the company how long it requires my services and how much I contribute to the company growth.
5. How do you handle the stress on the work?
Every job has stress nowadays. Of course, the sales occupation bring more stress to the salesperson because they have to work on the company’s target every time and every day.
In the salesman interview, you should give the answer to the above question like this.
Sample answer:- although my daily job is stressful, I can manage it by routinely, motivating myself toward the main goal which is to do my job properly and professionally at all time.
Sample answer:- Stress can be handled by designing the working program. Major item issue to be handled first in the workplace, depends on the assigned your given.
Do you know anything about your company?
Do your own research about the particular company before going for the interview. Know about the company business, competitor, reputation and the age of the company, etc.
The interviewer wants to know from asking this question is testing your curiosity about their organization before applying for the job. If you have general knowledge about the company makes you easy for answering the question.
Sample answer:- Of course, I find that your company has been business for over thirty years. With an excellent reputation employee record management software. Specializing with the system which can handle unionized and no-unionized employee effectively.
Sample answer:- From my knowledge, your company was established in 1995 in the UAE. The current CEO of the company is Majid Al Futtaim who is one of the richest people in the country.
Now, Carrefour (company name) is the largest supermarket and hypermarket chains not only in UAE but also in the world. As a retail store operator, your company has numerous popular brands that have a high degree of trust and credibility among the customers.
7. What can you offer for the company?
Salesman interview is not a child play that everyone can be succeeded. Company has a higher expectation from salespeople since they are the main driver of the company business.
When you answering this question give your past record in the previous organization. The sales growth was born by your skills and strategies.
Sample answer:- At my previous company I have a record to improve sales by 25%. I am from a good sales background, along with my ability to plan ahead. I have experienced in many areas related to the company current goal including expanding sales as well as a facility that growth.
8. What is your approach toward problem-solving?
As a salesperson, you should interact with the customers regarding the issues or problem on your products and services. sometimes a problem can arise with your coworker and the superiors. In the interview, you should demonstrate the ability that you possess to de-escalate the situation and problem-solving skills.
Sample answer:- Every time we have a problem people have different method to solve the problem. To me when I face the problem especially is a serious one. I often talk to the other person about it. This is very beneficial for me this should be done because we can learn from other experienced. It is good to have somebody talk to share the problem.
9. What would you change in your life if you had a time machine?
It is an indirect question related to your regularity. Your perception of the time and managing style notices on your answer. Therefore, in the salesman interview, your response must be included how could you manage your time. The above question is very tricky so don’t say you would adjust the time machine in your favor rather than leave it to go as it is. Here is a short and simple answer.
Sample answer:- Nothing, lived a life without any regret.
10. Logistic experience?
If the logistics company requires salesperson and you are giving the interview for that. Generally, you would be asked this question, so here is the way to answer.
Sample answer:- I have worked in the logistics sector at ABC Company. I had managed the various operation and process that enable the business to run smoothly. I have dealt with many areas of logistics including supply chain, freight forwarding, transportation, warehousing, distribution and inventory management.
11. Why are you changing your current job?
Suppose you are currently working in a company as a salesperson, now you are changing the job one company to another. Really the interviewer curious of the reason behind it. Answering this question doesn’t complain anything about the current company. Most people express dissatisfaction such as on the salary, business practices, career development path, and the management.
It is a bad practice to include these in your answer. Because the interviewer thinks today you’re griping of the current organization and tomorrow you would repeat it for them too. So, how to answer this? anywhere the following answer can be suitable.
Sample answer:- Since I have to feel up-to-date, at that point I am reasonably interested to join your organization.
12. Why do you want to go outside the country?
For the overseas job interview, this is a frequently asks question to the interviewees. Responding to this question don’t show your greediness to the money. Many candidates answer like these “sir I want to go to your country to earn money or I need money to support my family” another answer you all know most people say “sir in my country there are no job opportunities”.
Answering this way leads you to fail the interview instead of achieving the success on that. hereby is a simple answer to help you with the interview.
Sample answer:- Because for me it is the start to build my goal if you give me a chance.
13. Have you got any experienced previously in sales based roles?
Although the company expects young and energetic salesperson in their business altogether they require a candidate with 1-2yrs experienced in the sales based roles previously.
Experience is greater than education for a particular position because the experienced salesperson has the product selling skills which generate the maximum revenue to the private business.
Sample answer:- Yes, I work for ABC Company as a salesman for seven and a half year from March 2010 to April 2017.
Where do you see in a five year?
Without a certain goal in an organization employee cannot work for many years. Asking this question also expects your career goal with the organization so, your answer helps the interviewer to assume how long you will work for them.
Sample answer:- My short time goal is to get a job in a reputed company like yours and a long-time goal to be in a respectable position in this company. I would be a sales team leader.
multitasking is an ability to do more than one task or activity at the same time. Every people doing multitasks on an everyday basis either on their job or at home. For example, talking on the phone and typing an email, reading the book and typing, etc.
Cause of insufficient attention, the task completes with more errors. switching the attention from one context to another and come back again is not easy but it is possible if you become proficient at work.
Rapidly shifting the attention between the tasks and performing duty very well and effectively is important for the salesperson. In the course of your duty, you may require talking with a customer and managing the items in the selling area.
Sometimes you may need to talk to many customers and showing them the products. Talking to people and preparing the bill etc. Nature of the sales job needs multitasking ability so, answering this question demonstrate you have multitasking ability.
Sample answer:- I am best on the multitasking. When I tackle one problem at a time I tend to stay on the solution. If I have the multiple things to accomplish I am able to focus the most accurate solution right away. I can work round the clock but should be appreciated worth full.
What is your salary expectation?
In the Gulf region or the country where the minimum wages is not implemented through a government. The employee’s salary depends on your negotiation skills. Before the interview does research about the salary of the salesperson or sales lady in the market who have similar experience and skills with you.
In my point of view asking the specific salary like 4000 or 100000 does not make sense. In salary, negotiation displays your skills, experiences, and education that reward higher payCheque. When telling your expected salary to them should not lower than the market should not higher than the market.
Sample answer:- I am more interested in finding the position that good fit for my skills and interests. I am confident that you offer a salary that is competitive in the current market.
If you desperately need a job and willing to accept any salary that is provided by the company the following answer can be the best at all time.
Sample answer:- Sir I accept the salary as per the industry stander.
17. can you do some short presentation on how you convince me to buy your product instated to buy some other product.
Products demo and presentation are an important part of a salesperson job. If you present yourself to the customer in a professional manner additionally reveal an explanation demo to them, it convinces the customer to buy the product you’re selling than the product of others.
When you responding to the question gives a short and effective presentation which can impress the interviewers that you are the best candidate than others.
Sample answer:- Good morning sir it seems you are interested in buying a new mobile phone. Do you have some requirement so that I help you with choosing the good and right phone for you?
18. What is your key focus points to achieving the target?
Achieving the company’s target is another most valuable job of the salesman or the saleslady. Although the salesperson works on basic salary, however a huge part of the earning comes from the incentive.
Even, the whole sales department continues to put their effort into pursuing the company goal or the business target. You must have own vision to meet your personal and the department’s quarterly, half-yearly and annual target.
Sample answer:- Make the list of work for achieving the target. Motivate myself with rewards, analyze my current performance and set short and long term target.
19. About the personal hygiene what we should do when the customer entering the store?
A salesperson must be on duty wearing the professional dress code. Your personal hygiene always does matter. Because from it, customers analyze that you are confident in your doing and saying. So here is a short answer to this question.
Sample answer:- I would well-groomed and clean uniform always smile. I would welcome them with a warm smile.
20. What is your biggest strength?
When you answering this question includes your skills, experience, and achievement in the past organization. Here is how you should give the answer.
Sample answer:- I have four-year experience in a similar role in the UAE. And I also have the technical knowledge and sales marketing skills required for these roles.
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There may hundred of questions which were asked in the salesperson interview. Above listed are most frequently asking questions in the interview. If you know any question which is important for the reader please feel free to contact us to include in this post.
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