Saudi Arabia visa check online by passport number

Last Updated on June 3, 2022

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia offers a variety of visas, most of which can be tracked on the internet. Saudi Arabia visa check online is not a difficult task because you need to enter just a few data into the system to obtain the result.

Saudi Arabia is the largest and most powerful country in the Gulf region. The country is not only huge in its size but has a political, religious, and social influence on Muslim countries.

Saudi Arabia is well-known as the world’s largest oil reserve country and it is famous for another reason the city of Mecca which is the birthplace of Muhammad, and the site’s first revelation of the Quran.

Mecca is the holiest city for the religion of Islam and a pilgrimage to it refers as the Hajj. The journey to Macca is compulsory in the life of Islam believer.

The Saudi government offers a variety of visas, including visit visas, tourist visas work visas, diplomatic visas, and Hajj visas, to anyone who wishes to enter, travel, or work within the nation.

The visa application for S.A

There are two ways you can apply for a visa for Saudi Arabia
  1. Apply through the Saudi diplomatic mission in your country. (Saudi Arabia embassy)
  2. Online visa application

Now expatriates who have applied for the visa can also query about the application submitted to MOFA (Ministry Of Foreign Affair), search the Umrah application, and display the invitation letter.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is in charge of visa issuing, hence Saudi Arabia visa check online services are also available on its website. The Enjat website is another source of visa information.

What is Enjatz?

Enjaz Information Technology is a reliable source to check your visa status online for Saudi Arabia, as well as apply for a visa through it. The company functions as a link between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the public.

Enjatz offers an advanced solution that makes it more convenient and easier for the public to use government services electronically.

How to check your Saudi Arabia Visa online?

To track your visa status online for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia just click on this link and you would land on the Enjatz website.

The default language is Arabic but you can choose English from the available option on the website.

Then scroll up to the page till you find the query section. Once you find it select the service that you are looking for.

KSA visa checking

Input the data on the mandatory field such as application number, passport number and captcha then search. The result displays immediately.

If you have applied for the visit visa to the MOFA on behalf of your family and your love once you can check the status and progress by referring to this link click here

If you face any problems with checking, tracking, and submitting your visa application to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia comment below or contact us. We are happy to guide you.

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Hello, everyone, I am Ranga Singh the founder of For the past 17yrs, I worked in aboard. Now, I have been researching the job market, especially in the Gulf region. The main purpose of the website is to give information, advice, and guidance to the people about the job, education visa and travel. I want to support young people for a happy and successful career.



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