security guard license test for new candidates.

Last Updated on February 4, 2023

The Security guard license test is one type of examination conducted by the Security Regulatory Authority for security candidates to grant a new or renewal of the old security guard license.

The protection of individuals and property has become a problem for the government in all countries as security conditions in the world have deteriorated.

Public security forces, such as police or other law enforcement agencies, may not be enough to provide 100% protection for every individual who resides in that country.

The person or the organization that needs extra security over the government providing through the police forces, they go to the private security companies and hire the security personal to meet the expected protection of valuable lives and properties.

As the demand for the privates’ security rising the government of many countries has focused on improving the private security industries by providing the training and regulating them to meet the country or the state security requirement.

The newly hired security guard will undergo training for a few weeks that provides by the authority and have to pass the test before issuing the security guard license to them.

A security guard license allows the holder to conduct the security duties in that country by using the skills that have learned during the training.

What is a security license test?

The security guard license test, in another world security guard test, is an evaluating process of the security guard candidates about the skills and knowledge that they have learned from a week-long training.

Although the security regulatory authority formation is different from the country to country the BSG (Basic Security Guard) training included similar things except for the law topic in the curriculum.

What is the security regulatory authority?

Most of the developed countries’ federal government or states government has a department to supervising, licensing and enforcing the rules and regulations to the security companies and security personnel.

The government body forming with the privates’ security company and mixed with a police officer responsible for standardizing the private security industries and personnel calls security regulatory authority.

In the context of the USA, candidates need to go for training, test and licensing processes as directed by the state government. In Canada, the security regulation also defined by the state’s government rather than federal.

The United Arab Emirates, PSCOD or SIRA is the existing security guard regulation both are handling the security relates issues in the private sector.

Australia and the Uk, which consider the creation of the rules and regulations of the private security industries, also give the State government authority to deal with private security challenges.

For a Security guard license. You must complete the mandatory basic training and tests before applying for the security guard license.

security guard practice test

Although there are the 60 questions in each set you should submit the correct 38 answers to pass the examination. Click the below hyperlink to access the exam page.

Security Guard Exam Set-1

Give the correct 38 answers out of 60 to pass this test.

1. Criminal maturity a guard should…
2. Impartiality can be affected by the following.
3. Partiality can be affected by the following…
4. How many time police can enter into private property?
5. The division of statute law is two…
6). Arrest or detention define as a deprivation of…
7). Purpose of the patrol are…
8). If one of the guards is absent from duty and his post is left unguarded, you should…
9). The aim of crime since preservation is to…
10). Crime is an act or omission contrary to…
11). A number of monitor places together…
12). Information security includes…
13).General patrol responsibilities are…
14). The notebook is used for…
15). Responsibilities of Police are…
16). A security guard should not carry any weapon unless authorized by…
17). Bomb search methods are…
18). Fault alarm is because of some faulty equipment, so…
19). Customer service is always balanced…
20). The key to information security is…
21. The things search at the work site…
22). Why you use a portable radio?
23). Power of arrest be careful of weapon, they can be anything remember…
24). The most visible element of a security guard…
25). Where u make a note…
26). Public relation…
27)……is of the security greatest weapon of the security guard…
28). Access control can be accomplished…
29). A complete communication…
30). Who is responsible to search bombs…
31). The advance of patrol…
32). Evidence can be noted in..
33). When u write a report…
34). If a caller threats a bomb…
35). Criteria of security guard training evaluation…
36). Who is responsible to pay the course fee…
37). A common fire extinguisher is…
39). when you make an arrest should follow three things…
40). Security regulation Authority is responsible for three things…
41). Any object that is blocking the fire escape is...
42). Gathering information that is useful is…
43). Placing other security guards around the area is a way of security…
44). Before arresting a person you should know
45). when you deal with prejudice you should…
46). A vehicle or pedestrian access gate is a form of…
47). The explanation of your action and the demonstration that they….were reasonably necessary and not excessive is called…
48). One of the general patrol responsibilities…
49). when u have seen the person committed a crime not when you think that evidence is called…
50). Treating everyone in the same way without making an assumption of anyone based on age religion or race…
52). The police’s primary objectives one of them is…
51). The person who represents an accused in the court is professionally in know as
53). The door gate and intercom system are a focus of…
54). An accidental activation by a person could cause…
55).The authority of arrest…
56). In the event of damage to protected people’s property…
57). The most dangerous type of crime is…
58). In the case of kidnapping and robbery using force…
59) …..the distinction between good and bad and distinguish moral duties and obligations.
60). Smile and greet people and speak well for the client…

Question 1 of 59

Conclusion:- These above security guard test quizzes are taken randomly from the different types of the lessons of the international basic security guard training. practicing these and knowing the correct answer will help you to pass the security guard license exam test in UAE as well as other advance countries.

Security guard test-2


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