Security Guard Quiz with Answers – Test Your Knowledge

Last Updated on March 9, 2025

This is the second Security guard test quiz with Answers, designed to help candidates assess and enhance their foundational knowledge in key areas of security operations. The quiz covers the following essential topics:

  1. Search and Seizures: Understanding the legal principles and procedures for conducting searches and seizures professionally and lawfully.
  2. Emergency Procedures: Learning the appropriate steps to take during emergencies to ensure safety and minimize risk.
  3. Decision-Making Methods: Developing effective strategies for making sound decisions under pressure.
  4. Handling Emergencies: Gaining the skills to manage and respond to various emergencies calmly and efficiently.
  5. Note-Taking: Mastering the art of accurate and detailed documentation for reporting incidents.
  6. Roles of Crime Prevention: Understanding the proactive measures and responsibilities involved in preventing criminal activities.
  7. Use of Force: Learning the legal and ethical guidelines for using force, including when and how it is appropriate.
  8. Customer Service: Enhancing interpersonal skills to provide professional and courteous service while maintaining security protocols.

1). Being a uniformed security guard is present in the work workplace this indicates the…
2). Has the right to use force itself defense…
3). Squares and circle of research method…
4). The ability to interpret your actions and show they are reasonably is called…
5) ….is under serious rational not be under compulsion…
6).In the case of emergency the most important thing for the security guard that possesses (have own)…
7). One of the major tasks of the security guard…..problem and emergency…
8)…… a change from the normal position to the one leads to problems…
9). The key to dealing with unauthorized people to enter is to be….strict at the same time
10). Paying the attention of the speaker includes.
11). It is the way that people introduce themselves and consist of several features…
12). Apart from the fact that the security guard that effectively…
13). In the warning is the warning system what is the part that is creating the sound…
14). A wireless device that is used as a center of operation of the company is…
15). Vigilance is the key to the…
16). While searching by security to person…
17). The intrusion alarm includes…

18). The police force in the country for: –


19)…………is one or more is which requires observation and which are toured on a regular basis on foot or vehicle.


20). A set of requirement for the security guard at the specific location, it contains information about the location and how security is to be provided, known as:


21). What kinds of people are protected by a security guard?


22). When record on an event?


23). When you are writing a notebook, you should use…….. color pen.


24)…….is the careful use of good judgment in each individual situation to decide how to act.


25)……is the skill of presenting an idea or subject in the best possible light.


26). Integrity ethics having the qualities of: –


27). Knowing the difference between good and bad, right and wrong and recognizing moral duties and obligations known as.


28) Opportunity & frustration is the cause of……?


29)……working in cooperation towards a common goal.


30)……that everyone helps each other and works together as a group rather than individually.


31)……is the way in which guards present themselves to the public and consist of a number of factors.


32). The key to awareness is…….?


33). A security guard has the role of to……client/police in preventing crime.


34). An…….is any place where something has occurred that needs to be investigated whether or not a crime has occurred.


35). Speaking clearly and confidently are the part of: –


36). Watching the speaker should include


37) The most important tool in dealing with difficult people is your………?


38). Disposal of medical waste and bad smell are…… hazards.


39). The four primary objectives for police in this country are:


40)……defined as ”body” of rules which regulate government and members of society and are recognized and sanctioned by government and society together.


41). An… the thing doing of something against the law, and an omission is failing to do something required by a law.


42). To be found guilty of an…….a accused must be mature, sane and not under duress.


43). The statute law can be either…….?


44). Contravention is…….serious crime?


45). Landlord and tenant dispute are under……law.


46). Which court is responsible for hearing the labor complain?


47). When giving the testimony in the court guard should follow the instruction of the…?


48) There is no crime if the act is committed in the user of the right of…?


49). The security guard have only the authority to……as any other private citizen?


50) Person, they are not allowed to proceed on their way when they want to do so-called……?


51) A person can only be arrested when there is sufficient……that a crime has been committed?


52) Duties for arresting are………….


53) The arrest is the detention of a person according to…….?


54). A security guard, you should only search if you suspect that someone has a…..?


55)………is something used for the purpose of threatening or intimidating a person.


56). One of the most important considerations in using force is……?


57). Providing a….. means doing something a customer wants in a way the customer wants it done.


58)…… the need and expectation of the client and your ability to meet those needs and expectations?


59). The challenge for a security guard is providing good customer service and good security at the……?


60). A…… guard projects professionalism.


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Security Guard Test Quiz with Answers

  1. Being a uniformed security guard present in the workplace indicates what?
  2. Who has the right to use force in self-defense?
  3. What do squares and circles represent in research methods?
  4. What is the ability to interpret your actions and show they are reasonable called?
  5. Who should not be under serious rational compulsion?
  6. In an emergency, what is the most important quality a security guard should possess?
  7. What is one of the major tasks of a security guard in handling problems and emergencies?
  8. What is a change from a normal position that leads to problems?
  9. What is the key to dealing with unauthorized people trying to enter while being strict at the same time?
  10. What does paying attention to the speaker include?
  11. What is the process by which people introduce themselves, consisting of several features?
  12. What is an important factor in a security guard’s effectiveness?
  13. In a warning system, what part is responsible for creating sound?
  14. What is a wireless device used as the center of operations in a company?
  15. What is the key to vigilance?
  16. What should security guards keep in mind when searching a person?
  17. What does an intrusion alarm include?
  18. What are the main responsibilities of the police force in a country?
  19. What is an area that requires observation and is toured regularly on foot or by vehicle?
  20. What is a set of requirements for security guards at a specific location, containing information about security procedures?
  21. What kinds of people are protected by security guards?
  22. When should an event be recorded?
  23. What color pen should be used when writing in a notebook?
  24. What is the careful use of good judgment in each situation called?
  25. What is the skill of presenting an idea or subject in the best possible light?
  26. What qualities are associated with integrity and ethics?
  27. What is the ability to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong, and recognize moral duties and obligations?
  28. What are opportunity and frustration often the causes of?
  29. What is working in cooperation towards a common goal called?
  30. What ensures that everyone helps each other and works together as a group rather than individually?
  31. What is how security guards present themselves to the public called?
  32. What is the key to awareness?
  33. What role does a security guard play in preventing crime?
  34. What is any place where an incident has occurred that requires investigation?
  35. What is speaking clearly and confidently part of?
  36. What should watching the speaker include?
  37. What is the most important tool in dealing with difficult people?
  38. What kind of hazard are medical waste and bad smells?
  39. What are the four primary objectives of the police?
  40. What is defined as a “body” of rules that regulate government and members of society?
  41. What is an act of doing something against the law, and an omission is failing to do something required by law?
  42. To be found guilty of a crime, what conditions must be met?
  43. What are the two categories of statute law?
  44. How serious is a contravention as a crime?
  45. Landlord and tenant disputes fall under what type of law?
  46. Which court is responsible for hearing labor complaints?
  47. When giving testimony in court, whose instructions should a security guard follow?
  48. What is the legal term for using force in self-defense?
  49. What authority does a security guard have in making an arrest compared to a private citizen?
  50. What does it mean when a person is not allowed to proceed on their way?
  51. When can a person be arrested?
  52. What are the key duties involved in making an arrest?
  53. According to what legal principle is an arrest carried out?
  54. When should a security guard search?
  55. What is considered a weapon used to intimidate or threaten a person?
  56. What is one of the most important considerations in using force?
  57. What does providing a service mean in customer relations?
  58. What involves meeting the needs and expectations of the client?
  59. What is the challenge for a security guard in providing good customer service and security?
  60. What type of security guard projects professionalism?

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