Security officer training full course for free

Last Updated on February 19, 2020

This security guard officer training course is designed to provide enough knowledge related security issues and procedure before attending the state or the federal level of security officer training to the newly hired security guards.

Any country in the world either developed or developing the security guards perform similar types of duties that are related to the protection of people, property, and information.

Hence the basic security officer training, that provides from the security regulation authority in any country not much different except few topics such as law and regulation.

Here are 100 topics, from the basic security guard training course which provides you with the essential knowledge regarding the security matters.

This course has been shortened to make you easy for understanding. If you want to go detail of the basic security officer training click here.

  1. A fire cannot exist unless the following four elements are present;
    1. Fuel
    2. Heat
    3. Oxygen
    4. Chemical chain reaction.
2. Categories of fire are;


  1. A, (ordinary or combustible)
  2. B, (Flammable liquid)
  3. C, (Flammable gases)
  4. D, (combustible metals)
  5. E (Electric fire)
3. Three are four types of fire extinguishers (extinguishing agents)
    1. Water
    2. Carbon dioxide (CO2)
    3. Dry powder
    4. Foam types
4. Fire alert system can be divided into four categories.
    1. Local
    2. Centre station
    3. Remote system
    4. Periphery
  1. Alarm initiating devices can be
    1. Manual pull system
    2. Automatic detection
  1. There are four types of fire detector.
    1. Heat detector
    2. Smoke detector
    3. Flame detector
    4. Water flow detector
  1. Sprinkle system are
    1. Wet pipe
    2. Dry pine
    3. Pre-action
    4. Deluge
  1. What is the Security guard responsibility in case of fire?
Ā “In case of fire, the security guard responsibility is to the safe evacuate of the people from the building”
  1. Professionalism:

ā€œA professional person who does the best job when he feels worstā€.

  1. The uniform most visible element of the security guard.
  2. Security guard stander can deviate into 3 categories.
    1. Clothing
    2. Grooming
    3. Equipment
  1. What is Ethic?

Knowing the differences between good and bad, right and wrong, organizing moral duties and obligations.

  1. Reason for security guard having the ETHIC
    1. Eliminate unfit/unworthy
    2. Public favor/image
    3. Guiding to proper conduct
    4. Protect/insulate security guard
  1. Ethical consideration
    1. Your decision may be scrutinized by the court
    2. You must be comfortable with your decision in your own mind.
    3. Always evaluate carefully
    4. Your decision may be scrutinized by your peers
    5. In some situation, your option is very imitated
  1. Building evacuation you should
    1. Be prepared
    2. Assign roles
    3. Control evacuation
    4. Headcount
  1. An important observation in case of fire
    1. The extent of the fire
    2. The location and direction of the fire
    3. The color of the smoke
    4. Colour of the flame
    5. Are there discarded container nearby?
    6. The time of day
    7. The weather
    8. Manmade barriers
  1. WHIMS means
    • W= workplace
    • H= hazards
    • I= information
    • S= system.
  1. Provide the following information for responding to the police or fire department.
    1. Witnesses
    2. Signs of forcible entry
    3. Door and windows left unlocked
    4. Unusual odors
    5. Is there a familiar face in the crowd?
    6. Are there overly helpful bystander present?
    7. Suspicious vehicle
    8. People rapidly leaving the scene
  1. Purpose of the patrol

ā€œThe goal of the security patrol is identification prevention the situation that may affect your clientā€

  1. The three purposes of the patrol are
    1. Protection of people
    2. Protection of property
    3. And protection of information
  1. What sense you would use in the patrol?
    1. Sight- be observe check the unusual condition
    2. Hearing- check the unusual sound and their sources including running water, glass smash, and malfunctioning equipment.
    3. Smell- Smoke, gas and overheated machinery.
    4. Touch- air current and temperature change.
    5. Test- use with caution.
  1. General patrol responsibilities.
    1. Make sure the area is secured from intrusion
    2. Turn off the equipment when the operation is not indicated.
    3. Check for the unusual condition
    4. Examine for unusual sound and investigation
    5. Check running water
    6. Examine unusual Odors
    7. Check all security process
    8. Monitor storage flammable substances
    9. Report and record.
  1. Basic patrol principle
    1. Ensure the perimeter is secure
    2. Patrol with methodical and organized fashion
    3. Check the safety and security hazards
    4. Record all the activities in your notebook
    5. Think about what you are doing
    6. Make sure you are properly equipped
    7. Remember the patrol is your routine duty
  1. Types of patrol
    1. Reactive
    2. Proactive
    3. Control area
    4. Random and
    5. Direct
  1. Four most common method of the patrol are
    1. Foot
    2. Bicycle
    3. Vehicle
    4. Visual (video, CCTV/ mirror)
  1. Example of patrol equipment
    1. Flash key
    2. Access code
    3. Notebook
    4. Telephone number
    5. Portable radio
    6. Security license
  1. What is necessary when you start your duty?
    1. Gather information
    2. Check equipment
    3. Briefing
    4. Target establish
    5. Plan for the patrol
    6. Share information with a co-worker
  1. Example of hazards
    1. Chemical
    2. Electrical
    3. Fire
    4. Flood
    5. Earthquake
  1. Do following on the radio communication
    1. Quick think what you are going to say before saying it.
    2. Speak clearly and carefully
    3. Be brief and concise
    4. Use the proper radio code and terminology
    5. Find good transitions area
  1. Do not do on the radio communication
    1. Break into another transition unless in case of emergency
    2. Get carried away with the ā€œradio slangā€
    3. Give telephone number, location, and financial information
    4. Use radio for personal use
  1. Stander phonetic alphabet

phonetic alphabet


  1. The time to write a record or write a report;
    1. As the time in occurring or
    2. As soon as reasonably possible
  1. Who can refer to the notebook?
    1. Author
    2. Another security guard
    3. Court
    4. Crown counsel
    5. Defence lawyer
    6. Witness
  1. Classification of report
    1. Administrative report
    2. Operational report
  1. Administrative report includes
    1. Deal with routine function
    2. Internal memo
    3. Equipment request
    4. Holiday leave
    5. Maybe stander
    6. May be free of a memo
  1. Operational report includes
    1. Occurrence report
    2. Detail of the security concern of the client
    3. Report of intruders
    4. Damage to property and security violation
    5. The action was taken by a security guard on the investigation
  1. When to complete a written report?
    1. As a directed by policy
    2. When an event occurs that requires investigation
    3. To justify the activities
    4. If someone is arrested
    5. Anytime you arrest the people
  1. Purpose of the report;
    1. Official record
    2. State what did you and why
    3. Suggest future action needed
    4. Provide statistical record-keeping
    5. Aid another professional to do their job
  1. The narrative of the report
    1. Introduction
    2. Body and
    3. Summary
  1. Use we five W and one H when writing the report.
    1. Who
    2. What
    3. Where
    4. When
    5. Why and
    6. How
  1. The report may be accessed by
    1. The investigator
    2. Supervisor
    3. Lawyer
    4. Judge
    5. Juries
    6. Another government official
    7. Insurance company
    8. Media
    9. Others
  1. Use evidence to;
    1. Determine the facts of an incident
    2. Recreate events occurring before, during or after an incident
    3. Identify people/things related to an incident,
  1. Three forms of evidence:
    1. Verbal
    2. Documentary
    3. Real

Verbal Evidence is a word spoken by a witness in a court while under oath or affirmation.

Documentary evidence is: Written, typed, printed or drawn. It could be a violation ticket, permit or will
Real Evidence is a physical object, thing or substance which has some connection to the incident being examined in the court.

  1. Ā BEST EVIDENCE RULE: The evidence presented in court must be the best evidence available. And, if possible the “original” evidence
  2. If testifying in the court:
    1. Be on time
    2. Be prepared
    3. Act professional
  1. Addressing the court when questioned:
    1. Direct answers to the judge
    2. Speak slowly and clearly
    3. Honors” or ‘Sir” 3.
    4. Avoid technical jargon and slang
    5. Requesting permission before using your notes.
  1. General testimony in the court guidelines
    1. Know key elements of the event
    2. Review all relevant notes
    3. Bring notes and evidence to the court.
    4. Don’t answer if you don’t understand a question.
    5. Ask for clarification
    6. if you don’t know the answer, say don’t know sir
    7. Donā€™t argue etc.
    8. Take time and think
    9. Always tell the truth
  1. Space classification
    1. Public space
    2. Private space:
  1. Alarm systems:
    1. Intrusion alarms
    2. Fire alarms
    3. Trouble/distress alarms
  1. Alarm notification systems:
    1. Local
    2. Central station
    3. Remote/direct connection
  1. Types of sensor:
    1. Electromechanical
    2. Pressure
    3. Photoelectric
    4. Motion
  1. Be prepared for an alarm know your following:
    1. Who is to be notified?
    2. What safety precautions are there?
    3. How will the alarm be investigated?
    4. Is there an alarm panel?
    5. Are there signs of forced entry?
    6. Are there false alarms determined?
  1. Access control defined;

Access control is controlling the movement of people, vehicles, material, and information into and out of a site.

  1. Why access control is important?
    1. To issue or withhold material or information
    2. To permit, qualify or deny a person’s use of a privilege or right.
    3. For controlling the speed of access to or from a defined place.
    4. To control persons, material or information against unauthorized observation or removal. 5. To prevent injury to persons or damage to goods and materials
  1. Access control is controlling the
    1. The movement of people
    2. The movement of vehicles
    3. movement of property, goods, material
  1. Access to information and data through the use of
    1. Physical systems
    2. Personnel (security guards) or
    3. A combination of the above
  1. Determining to identify: two way
    1. Personal recognition
    2. Identification cards
  1. Searching bags or packages
    1. Approach the individual in a friendly, non-threatening manner
    2. Greet the individual and identify him/he
    3. Advise the individual that you would like to search the contents of the package
    4. Discreetly search the package.
    5. Thank the individual for their cooperation
  1. Explosive device defined

An explosive device is that is used, intended for use, or you believe is being used as part of a threat or an actual attempt to cause an explosion.

  1. upon receiving a bomb threat:
    1. Gather as much information as soon as possible
    2. Ascertain the threat level
    3. Notify your supervisor
    4. If required, call the police.
  1. Bomb threat;

A high percentage of bomb threats ARE FALSE, but ALL must be taken SERIOUSLY

  1. Questions to ask

    upon receiving the bomb threat ask the following questions

    1. Where is the bomb now?
    2. Where did you place it?
    3. What types of bomb it is?
    4. What does it like
    5. When is the bomb going to explode?
    6. What is the explosive?
    7. Why did you place it?
  1. Bomb search method;
    1. Grid
    2. Concentric circle
    3. Lines
    4. Bottom to top
  1. Upon receiving the bomb threaten turn of the following things
    1. Radio
    2. Cell phones
    3. Pager
  1. Resort upon bomb threaten.
    1. Runner
    2. Whistle
    3. Landline telephone
  1. On locating Explosive devices
    1. Do not touch it
    2. Clear immediate area for at least 100 meters
    3. Notify your supervisor immediately by telephone.
    4. Call the police
  1. Your duties in crowd control and labor disputes
    1. Protect people from injury/assault
    2. Protect property from damage/theft
    3. Control access to the site
    4. Stand watch and take notes
    5. Act in a professional manner at all times.
  1. Police responsibility
    1. Preserve the peace
    2. Investigate any criminal offense
    3. Enforce any law that is being broken
    4. Remain Impartial
  1. Crowd types;
    1. Casual and friendly
    2. Cohesive and expressive
    3. Aggressive and unruly
  1. Cause of misconduct;
    1. Peer pressure
    2. Invisibility/opportunity
    3. Rationalization
    4. Frustration with the criminal justice system
  1. Impartiality: impartiality can be affected by
    1. Discrimination
    2. Prejudice
    3. Stereotyping
    4. Attitudes
  1. Stereotype: an internalized image or believe about a person or group which is formed over time and which may be based on faculty or incomplete information this may cause us to behave inappropriately.
  2. Stereotype problems
    1. Poor decisions not based on facts.
    2. Safety consideration
    3. Display of prejudice may leave criticism
    4. Weakens image.
    5. Loss of source of information.
  1. How to fight to stereotype?
    1. Treat individuals with the respect they deserve.
    2. Be “professional” and maintain the public’s respect.
    3. Perform a critical analysis of previously held stereotypes.
    4. Remain open-minded.
    5. Pursue quality contacts.
  1. Avoid dealing with the public;
    1. High-pressure reaction.
    2. Being argumentative
    3. Use humour to make light the situation
  1. Public relation
    1. Speak politely
    2. Be professional.
    3. Behave respectfully.
    4. Being solution-oriented.
    5. Be considerate,
  2. Two types of language
  3. Passive language
    • Non-threatening
    • Less likely perceive non-regulative and impolite
  4. Aggressive language
    • disrespectful
    • perceived as an order
    • threatening
  5. Provide customer service with;
    1. smile
    2. an introduction or greeting
    3. identify yourself
    4. Your full attention.
  1. Security guard protect
    1. People
    2. Property
    3. Information
  1. There are two major practice of security guard
    1. Public
    2. Private
  1. Duties of public security;
    1. Prevent crime
    2. Detect crime
    3. Apprehend offender
    4. Enforce law where appropriate
  1. Private security;
    1. In-house
    2. Contract
  1. Types of HAZARDS: The hazards are divided into 2 categories those are as following;
  2. Manmade
    1. Crimes
    2. Sabotage
    3. Civil disturbances
    4. Bomb threaten
    5. Fire
    6. Accident
86. Natural Hazards:
    1. Flood,
    2. Earthquake,
    3. Fire
    4. Windstorm
    5. Other act of nature
87. Security Duties Can generality be categorized

Static: any specific or sensitive area needing control

Patrol: site patrol or mobile patrol

88. When to call police
    1. A crime is committed
    2. An emergency situation
    3. An assault, bulger, rubbery and MVA
    4. You see a suspicious person
    5. There is a disturbance caused by a group of people

89. Four primary objectives of police in the country

    1. Preserve and protect fife
    2. Presence and protect property
    3. Inforce of law
    4. Investigation
90. Police may enter upon private property
    1. On invitation
    2. With a warrant
    3. A criminal offense they believe to be Win progress”
91. When written report for police
    1. When requested by the police to provide
    2. A copy of your written report regarding the incident
    3. When youā€™re writing police report know your company policy
92. When police attend your site you should need Information you will need for both your notebook and report are:

Name and rank of the officer;

    1. Number of the officer
    2. Incident and file number
    3. Emergency telephone numbers:

93.DEFINITION OF LAW: “A body of rules which regulate governments and members of society and recognized and sanctioned by government and society together.

94. The basic functions of the law are divided into two categories:

    • Rights & Privileges
    • Obligation

95. To be GUILT of a crime an accused must be:

The three elements of a crime are:

    1. Legal (Act must be illegal)
    2. Mature
    3. Sane
    4. Moral (Choose by an act and material facts)
    5. Material (Must be supported by and act and material facts)
96.Types of Crimes

FELONY: Most serious category of crime (i.e. Murder, rape, Punishment depends on severity crime and serious nature of the incident)

Misdemeanors: Mid-level/is a serious category of crime (i.e. theft, drunkenness).

Circumstances are not as serious as a felony Punishment depends on the severity of circumstances

Contraventions: Least serious offenses (i.e. traffic tickets, public disorder, failing to act against crime).

97. Your responsibility landlord-tenant agreements

  • Gets clarification from the client as to responsivity regarding the landlord tendency contract.
  • Take detailed notes about any activity that seems unusual.
  • Call the police if intervention is needed.

98. You action In case of LANDLORD-TENANT Dispute.

  • Pass verbal and written tenant complaints to the Landlord.
  • Seek direction of your company s policy.
  • Remain neutral refrain from given advice.
  • Seek direction from your company policy

99. 3 Ways to Arrest:

  • Warrant
  • Observe the Crime
  • Reliable witness

Right of legitimate defense:

100. There are four conditions to use of force.

To commit an act which makes the defendant fear that it may cause death or serious injuries provided such fear is based on reasonable grounds.

    1. To compel a woman to have sexual intercourse or to disgrace by force any other person.
    2. kidnap a human being.
    3. Crimes of fire destruction or robbery.
    4. To enter at night an inhabited house or of its subsidiaries.


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Hello, everyone, I am Ranga Singh the founder of For the past 17yrs, I worked in aboard. Now, I have been researching the job market, especially in the Gulf region. The main purpose of the website is to give information, advice, and guidance to the people about the job, education visa and travel. I want to support young people for a happy and successful career.


  1. It is vital for your private security guards to learn and communicate more effectively with the organisations that recruit your business, their customers and their workers.


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