Last Updated on May 3, 2022
Security officer interview– This is my second post regarding the security guard interview. Previously I discussed common interview questions with sample answers, but, here I have focused on the specific security officer interview questions for the position of a security guard and officer.
These questions were asked by the interviewer specifically to the candidates who had previous experience in the security field. If you practice the following interview questions may help you to crack the security officer interview and security guard as well.
Do you know how to control the crowd?
Crowd control is the task to manage a large group of people and is a challenging job for the security guard or officer because a small matter can turn into the deadliest one.
A security guard does not consider a hero to fight against angry people but you should constantly keep your eye on their activities. When the crowd going out of control you should be safe yourself and inform the police.
Sample answer: “if I am on duty I would constantly observe the crowd by keeping a safe distance. I would be friendly and proactive. I keep the radio on to make listening to the backup team or my supervisor. If the crowd turned violent, I call the police and apply the safety measure to save my life”.
2. Do you know about Access control?
Access control is controlling the movement of the people, vehicles, and material when in and out of the premises. Every company has a clear procedures regarding access control and complying with, this is a part of the duty of security personnel.
Sample answer:– “Assesses control can be different from company to company but mostly it is done by personal recognition, id system, special passes keys id tag and proximity card and biometric identification, etc. I know all these things about how to operate”.
A number of employees don’t like security officers because they hate the security system of the company. The main reason is that the security officers instruct them to follow rules, regulation,s and other procedures of the company.
Whatsoever, the employees believe the security officers come to help them in an emergency situation.
In case of an emergency, a Security guard should not treat people differently whether they are friendly or not. Security officers are responsible to protect all the employees in a distress situation.
Sample answer:- “Sir I always do my duty with the plan to deal with an emergency. In case of emergency, I remain calm, ask for help, use the available resources and follow up plan”.
If an employee doesn’t follow the rules and regulations what is your response?
I already said that many employees don’t like security guards because they think security officers are the authority and make them obey the company law.
They like it or not it should not be a matter for you, the right thing to do is to follow the order and written procedure at any time.
Sample answer:- “Sir firstly, I would remind them that, the violation of the company’s rules and regulations. Secondly, warn them of the consequences if they don’t follow it again. Finally, I have to inform the supervisor and record the incident in my notebook”.
Are you willing to work overtime?
Just like other jobs security guards also have fixed hours to work, normally 48 hours a week but a shortage of security officers in a company may require to work 72 hours per week. 4-hours overtime per day.
Generally, a security officer gets one day off a week and 4 days a month. In some situations, they can be requested to work on an off days.
In security officer interview, it is good to say that you can perform duty as a company requirement.
Sample answer:- “Everybody needs a rest after working 6 days a week but my easy-go personality does encourage me to perform duty even if it is my off day.
If I do overtime that would reward pay high so my tiredness would go away. If there is much business then only people ask to do the overtime so I can do as per your request”.
Are you able to work overnight post?
Mostly security guard runs 2 (day and night) shifts. The security companies also prefer the candidate who has a flexible hour to work. If you have a major problem performing duty at night, then say you would have an available day or afternoon otherwise give an answer like this.
Sample answer:– “Sir I have the flexible hour to work I can be available to perform duty anytime you require me to do”.
7. What is the important role of security?
There is a division in the security system in a country.
- Public security (police)
- Private security (security officers)
The police department of the country is responsible for the protection of the people by maintaining the law and order.
However, they may not reach in time whereas the incident happens each and every day. If people and organizations want extra security for themselves and their property hire a private security officer.
Security officer considers the police of the company because they have the power to make other people follow the rules and regulations. Security officer comes with various tasks but the main role has mentioned hereby.
Sample answer:– “the Main role of the security guard is to protect people, property, and information”.
8. Do you have customer relations experience?
Each business gives priority to the customer because they make the company grow by buying the products. Customer service means making the customer happy through our products and services.
A large organization has a customer service department that deals with customers’ issues and queries but every employee must know how to treat the customer.
For the security officer, it is important to know about good customer service skills cause they are the first and last meeting person with the customer in the organization.
When the customers come to the organization first they visit security personnel and at the exiting time also go by the security check post.
Security officers need to deal with any issues that arise with the customer but greeting with a smile and assist by informing them about any product. In addition, guiding them to the employee who is responsible for that issue, makes a customer feel good with you and your company.
When you answer this question in security officer interview bring the things from your past experience including only good customer service even if you have a bad customer experience.
Sample answer:– “Sir Customers always ask a security officer about the products and services of the company. I often learn about the company’s products and services to explain to them.
I always greet people with a smile and speak friendly manner that makes them different and they treat me with respect. In the name of the customer service, I do not compromise the company’s security procedure. I do what is allowed and refer to other people who can explain to the customer or solve their problems”.
When can you start work?
Security Companies hire guards when they require them immediately. The company hires new employees If getting new business with any new client. Another reason if more security guards are dropping out of their job after completing a contract.
In security officer interview Tell them genuinely what time you can start work with them.
Sample answer:- “Sir I am ready anytime you want to start”.
10. What is your educational background?
Some people especially from developing countries make fake documents to show higher qualifications to apply for an overseas security job.
Doing so is a bad idea because one thing you lied to them and for another they can check back your embassy or education ministry about your certificate. When it proves not genuine that can bring the prosecution.
Sample answer:- “Sir I graduated from Maniple University in India in 2005 in economic and political science”.
11. How do you motivate during quiet time?
The company may not any business activities at night or on holidays, Some security guards sleep very nicely but the interviewer wants to know what thing you love to do at the peace hour to avoid sleeping.
Sample answer:– “Sir, I always stay alert either during business or none business hours, I can go patrolling around the premises, note down the security report, and the read about the company’s new products”.
12. What do you do if there is fire?
Fire is the most severe incident often security guards face. You have to follow the procedure in case of fire. It is the best cure to prevent the fire from being happened.
So, a security officer has to detect fire hazards while patrolling the area. In the advance, you should familiar with the fire alarm system of your duty place.
Sample answer:– “If there is fire I would analyze what types of fire and how big is it. If small I would put out it using the fire extinguisher but for big fire I would ring the fire bell to alert the people for evacuation from the building, immediately I call the fire department, police, and my supervisor”.
13. If the company boss or senior employee takes out goods that are not allowed?
This thing happens regularly to the security officer, the company bosses, or the senior people taking some items from the company that are not allowed. Being a security guard you may have clear instructions to stop those kinds of activities.
Sometimes a company boss wants to check your action in this scenario and he or she pretends to take something out even though it is not intended.
When you answer the question you should demonstrate that you would follow the clear instruction from the client even though anyone is involved.
Sample answer:– “Sir I would tell them it is not allowed, if he doesn’t listen to me, I call the supervisor then record it in my notebook”.
14. You saw the car accident in your area what is your action?
Security guards particularly take care of a place, building and have authorized everything to do inside the premises, sometimes the incident or accident can happen not far from the distance, and at that point, your action should help the victim.
Sample answer:– “Sir I would call the ambulance, and police as well as inform my supervisor and note down the accident report in my notebook”.
People fighting in the street what is the action?
A security guard can detect the gang member or people having a dispute and fighting in the street outside of their boundary. Answering this question you should say that you would not be unknown and not to go there leaving your post.
Sample answer:– “Sir I would call the police and give the location, informing the supervisor and recording the incident is a part of my job”.
What is most important to avoid forgotten?
Security officer always faces incidents and they should keep proof of these. In the security, guard interview the interviewer wants to know what tool you believe to use for remembering the purpose.
Sample answer:– “Sir recording incidents in a notebook and writing an occurrence reports is important to avoid something from being forgotten. These things can be evident for police investigation and proof at a court hearing for that case”.
How can you observe a large area?
The security guard must have proactive observation skills, observation means carefully monitoring someone or something around you. Static post-duty may not allow you to observe the entire boundary of the company.
There are many ways you can use to keep monitoring the situation around the place where you are guarding.
One of them is patrolling, when answering this question you should tell how the patrol helps you to monitor the large area.
Sample answer:– Sir I have good observation skills it gives me the benefit to identify what is going to happen over there. To observe the large area I frequently do patrol and monitor the area through the CCTV if available at my post”.
Does a security officer have the power of arrest?
Security officers work in uniform and are responsible for the protection of someone or something but they don’t have special power similar to a police officer.
Being a security guard you can interview witnesses and people who has detained. However, you cannot arrest anyone.
Every citizen has the power of arrest in a country in a certain condition so the security officer also makes a civilian arrest.
If police are pursuing someone you can help the police by arresting them just like the civilian does.
In security officer interview, answering this question you should have well knowledge of the state security regulation and the power of arrest that the constitution has granted.
Sample answer:– “As I know the security guard can detain people for inquiries but cannot make an arrest. Under certain circumstances, I can assist in making a Citizen’s Arrest on behalf of the public or police officer”.
Can you use a weapon to defuse the situation?
This is the stander question for the position of an armed guard, it is a very tough decision for every professional security guard who performs duty carrying a firearm. The situation should be justifiable before dragging you to the gun. The knowledge of the state law can help you to defuse the deadliest situation.
Sample answer:- “As much as I don’t see the life-threatening situation myself or any others individual I would call the police and observe the action while keeping myself safe.
If the intruder with a firearm and in the process of using the weapon intentionally to harm me or someone else, this is the only scenario I will use the weapon against him”.
Do you have any experience dealing with an angry customer?
Customers are the most important for businesses. Since the security guards provide protection service, in addition, they must know how to provide good customer service.
The security guards need to deal with different customers in nature, some of them good and some of them bad. If there is an issue with products or the services that the company provided the customer can frustrated and be angry with you.
answering this question the best way is to tell your story similar to the situation that you had dealt with.
Sample Answer:- “Sir I was guarding a retail store one of the customers bought consumer goods online and found expired.
According to him, he called so many times but no one responded when he came to the store and shouted at me by complaining about our service. I listened only did not argue with him then informed the QC manager to solve the problem”.
The above 20 questions are very important for the security guard interview, the questions may not be asked in a similar way, but I have included every topic which is related to the security guard job.
Learning something from this post and preparing more for an interview can be a guarantee for bound of success.
Thank you for reading have any questions just contact me or comment.
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