BLACKLIST IN UAE you can check only one way.

Last Updated on January 30, 2022

A blacklist in UAE means to restrict someone from entering the country. The UAE government has granted authority to the immigration department for issuing and rejecting visas for individuals who wish to enter this country for any purpose.

The purpose can be many but if you want to find a job after coming to UAE click here.

People who lived in the UAE and return home after committing a crime can be blacklisted. People can be blacklisted in certain circumstances even if they have never visited the country.

UAE immigration gathers the personal information of the visitors, ex-pat workers, and own citizens. The information such as personal detail, fingertips, eyes retina, and palm scan for biometric authentication.

The reason for doing this is to keep the information in the government system. Which enables the official to track the person’s past activities in the future, if he or she involves in any illegal work.

You might see the immigration officers are busy checking the people’s eyes retina in UAE airports. The reason for that is to ensure the blacklisted people do not enter the country again.

If your detail match with storage data in the system, the process will end with either one of the following consequences.

  1. Deport your home country from the airport.
  2. Apprehend and send you to jail.

The reason for blacklist in UAE.

The main reason blacklist for UAE is to violate the current law of the countries. The UAE law has defined the various types of violations but here are some commons that someone occurs mistakenly or deliberately.

  1.  Violation of the labor law and working illegally in the country.
  2. Committing the crime in court and deported from UAE.
  3. Unsettlement of the bank loan, credit card dues, and owing to the company.
  4. Have a criminal record in GCC countries.
  5. Deported from GCC country after committing the crime.
  6. An International criminal and Interpol are looking for you.
  7. The person who is controversial about Islam.
  8. Your country and the UAE government have no diplomatic relations.
  9. People from war-torn countries and seeking refugees after entering the country.
  10.  Detected the transmittable disease in the medical report.

How to check the blacklist in UAE?

Although most of the UAE government services are handy and easily accessible through the internet. There is not any website or services provider who gives you the information on the based of your online queries for this matter.

Despite the fact, there are some ways that you can use for checking your blacklist status offline in UAE.

  1. Get information from the immigration office.

You can go to any immigration office with your passport copy and request them about your status of blacklist for UAE.

If you have any case, it sends you to custody, therefore, it is not recommended for the people who have any severe case in the country.

If you have any unsettle financial dues and wish to resolve them in the future or have the contravention charge and wish to pay the fine.

You believe these things may impose the travel restriction against you, go ahead this is the easiest way to apply.

2. Send the UAE residence to the immigration office.

You are already in your country and applied for the visa but were rejected. That can be the reason for the blacklist for the UAE.

If so, you can send your friend or relative providing them your passport copy. But they should be in the UAE to make this inquiry.

3. Hire a lawyer or law agency.

Instead of going yourself or sending your friend, it can be better to consult with the law agency because they get a lot of information from the immigration office.

In addition, they help you to remove the blacklist if applicable. This way is reliable and most efficient but can cost a handful of cash.

4. Apply for the police clearance certificate.

This is the online way for the residents of the UAE. Any police station in the country issue a police clearance certificate against UAE residents.

Now your turn to apply for clearance to the UAE police. It can be done on the UAE police website or you can use the UAE police application on your android and iso phone.

All the above options are the ways to check your blacklist for UAE. If you are looking for the best way possible, then number three is appropriate.

The law agency can send a legal representative to submit the official inquiries about your status. Hence, why not try it? even costs the amount of money.


  1. ਮੈਂ ਜਨਵਰੀ 2013 ਵਿੱਚ ਦੁਬਈ ਤੋਂ ਬਲੈਕਲਿਸਟ ਹੋ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ ਉਵਰਸਟੇ ਕਰਕੇ,ਕਿ ਮੈਂ ਹੁਣ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਆ ਸਕਦਾ ਹਾਂ

  2. Hello, sir
    My Name is Hamza Ahemd Ali
    Im born and raised in UAE and my Families Are in UAE i have Did a mistake Of having criminal case When i was Only 19 years old I Had case on me And i got deportation From UAE
    It was a Mistaken Case And my Family is in Dubai And my Date of brith is From UAE I can’t Live In Pakistan My family is in UAE I want a Last Chance To Come back To UAE to go back to my family I want my deportation to be Cancelled I’m very Depressed Please help me Im A Citizen of UAE Please give a Last Chance Please Help me.

  3. a heavy truck driver got his licence cancelled and blacklisted because of overtaking by mistake 20 years ago .after he went back to his country from there he gets job in saudia as heavy driver .during covid 19 pandamic he went back home and stuck there for eight months after his company decided to bring him back on duty via U.A.E 14 days qurantine when he landed on rak air port his eyes scan opend the previous file now he is stuck here

  4. Hello,
    I got new job naw and my visa is refused because
    My name in blacklist i don’t know why, maybe because in 2016 i got traffic fine red signal and my license cancelled and i returned it back again naw , is there any way to remove that blacklist?

    • Did you pay the fine in addition to the license cancellation? If not, send someone to the UAE police office with a copy of your passport, and they will tell you whether the ban is permanent or reversible.

  5. Hello,
    I got new job recently and my visa is refused because same name and same birth date person already residing in the country. My company PRO is working on it but i am concerned that how many days it will take for them to resolve this issue because i have already resigned and jobless.

    Should i wait for them to resolve? If yes what will be the Average time required for them.
    Or should i start searching for new job in own country.

  6. He is now in visit visa ajman but visa not issue because of name related problem… How can clear this issue..?

  7. Good evening sir g.
    My name is rabish sharma.
    My passport no. M2133809
    My id no. 784198953931726
    I don’t know why my Arab black list my visa.
    Before me 7 year works in United Arab Emirates.

  8. Blacklisted but i want to go back, i have applied visa several times, i did send pRo to immigration for possible removing my name from black list. Then inquiry to Amer shows I’m still in the list. Issue is i couldn’t pain point exactly were the problem then i have rta onpay fine with overstayed on my expired visa. I’m looking for solution it possible to being forgive by uae thanks

  9. Hello sir
    I’m Abdul Wahid
    I’m living in Mumbai now
    Scene 2015 to 2020 i working in dubai.
    Then I cancel my residency visa on 09/12/2020
    After that I did change my visa status
    When I’m going back to India on 31/12/2020
    Dubai immigration officer said I overstay 22 days in UAE 🇦🇪 I have 812dhs I don’t have enough money that time I didn’t pay then they given me lifetime ban 😭 just for 812dhs

    I want to come back to Dubai tell me sir positive way please thank you.

  10. Hi, I have one friend blacklisted but he is in UAE now, do you have any idea on how to remove the blacklisted, so he can go back home?


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