The security guard license, two ways to get in UAE

Last Updated on February 23, 2020

The security guard license is an authorized document for performing the security tasks in the country. Which department is responsible for issuing the license it depends on the country to country.

Particularly, in many counties, the private security regulatory authority forms from the government to supervise, training and licensing to the companies and security guards.

The UAE is one of the nations which has maintained the professionalism in the private security industries, in addition, the government has made involving the private security companies for securing the private and public properties.

Among the Gulf countries, the UAE is in the top place for the job seeker around the world. Dubai is not only the city with vibrant economic but also it has accommodated the regional headquarters of the world largest companies.

Since the UAE government changed its economic dependency from oil-exporting to the service and industrial sectors, the more and more companies established their regional headquarters in Dubai.

Although the UAE government still heavily depends on the oil revenue for its economic lifeline the government has focused much more toward tourism and hospitality.

The reason for that, the world-class hotel have been investing to open the new hotels in Dubai, every year the pace is rising.

The changing business environment and booming economy have created new job opportunities for job seekers in every sector as well as the security industries in this country.

since the UAE government focused on professional security services in the private security company, it made the mandatory of the basic security guard training for the security personnel and the valid security guard license when on the duty.

Two security system in a country.

If you want to work as a security guard in the UAE you must have either DPS (New name SIRA) or PSBD (New name PSCOD) license that can obtain after completing the basic security guard training and successfully passing the authority test.

How to get PSCOD security guard license?

The PSCOD guards who can work in 6 emirates except for Dubai, must get the license from the PSCOD (private security company organization department ).

You should go for a lengthy process before getting the PSCOD license, normally it takes more than 15days because of the paperwork, application process, training and examination.

  1. You must get employed from any security companies in UAE, to process for PSCOD license. The individual who wants to get a license themselves is not possible.
  2. The security company refers you to NSI (national security institute) for basic security guard training. The training runs for 5 days and you have to complete the training, besides that, passing the written exam too.
  3. Then the company applies for the PSCOD test on behalf of you. The PSCOD exam conducts in PSBD office, you should get 75% to pass it.
  4. At the last, you would get the PSCOD license it enables you to perform the security tasks in the UAE.
  5. The company does everything, you should not worry any paperwork except, attending the training, taking the exam and having the license.
How to get SIRA license?

The SIRA is the abbreviation of the Security industry regulatory authority and formerly known as the DPS.

Look, here is the difference for getting the security guard license between PSCOD and SIRA. You can get the SIRA license after completing the training yourself, you do not require any company hire first, but, PSCOD needs you to get a security job first then go for training through that company.

Especially, there are the two ways you can get the SIRA license in Dubai;
  1. Apply for yourself
  2. Apply via the company

Now, let me guide you to the first way if you want to get SIRA license on your own expenses go to the SIRA cadre academy and apply from thereby paying the course fee.

The SIRA would give you the training start date and its completion. Attend the full course of the training. If you pass the both physical and written test you can get the license then start looking for the security job opportunity in Dubai.

The companies in the UAE always prefer the candidates who have already SIRA license because of hiring the new guard, sending the training and getting a license on behalf of them, it costs to the company.

The second way, in the first place, you should get a security guard job in a company and the company will do all the process for the SIRA training. The company pays the training fee, arranging transportation and provide you with the company dress, in addition, others require equipment.

In conclusion: Getting the security guard license is harder than getting a job opportunity in the UAE. Although the SIRA guards are paid less, comparatively the PSCOD guards, they can apply for PSCOD license via their company later. The SIRA or PSCOD training not only important to look for the security job in UAE but also equally important to learn the basic security skills that need to perform your daily duties.

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Hello, everyone, I am Ranga Singh the founder of For the past 17yrs, I worked in aboard. Now, I have been researching the job market, especially in the Gulf region. The main purpose of the website is to give information, advice, and guidance to the people about the job, education visa and travel. I want to support young people for a happy and successful career.


  1. Sir I’m new person in UAE.
    Sir i was soldiers in BD army. Only 6month did i training complete than i leave thats job…
    Now How to get Security guard job?
    Please help me. I have no relative this country,

    • Your age does not matter but every two years you should take the PSBD refreshment training. I think you can do but need to have refreshment training again.


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