JOB GUIDANCE How to look for dubai government jobs for expats?

How to look for dubai government jobs for expats?

Last Updated on December 16, 2021

Dubai government jobs are the best professional prospects for expatriate job seekers worldwide. Dubai’s government is one of the institutions that has hired the majority of its personnel from other countries. As I often advise you on how to find a job in the Gulf region, in this post I will explain how to search for Dubai government jobs for expats.

For the previous ten years, the UAE government’s recruiting policy has been favorable to UAE nationals; however, there are still many positions that cannot be filled by UAE nationals due to a lack of skilled personnel.

The Dubai government has several agencies that require a large number of workers to run and offer public services. From junior to senior positions in the public sector, expatriates and UAE natives have balanced 50/50.

How to get government jobs in UAE?

Expats and UAE nationals should use the same channel to find work in the public sector. I’ve broken the process down into five sections, which are as follows:

  1. Search for the Job in the official portal;

The Dubai government offers an employment platform where all government organizations post their requirements based on their resources. A comprehensive website called www. is available online, and more than 100 government positions are posted there every day.

If you’re looking for Dubai government jobs for expats, you must first visit this website and search through the thousands of available openings. If the post requires just UAE nationals, you will see “UAE national.” the position requires foreign nationals, you will see “all nationality.”

You believe you meet the qualifications for the available post, click on the apply button to submit your application online. You must fill in the required information about yourself and submit your CV for assessment.

2. Interview;

The relevant ministry recruitment team will review your CV and invite you for an interview. When attending the interview fully prepared, take all the educational and experience documents with you, use the appropriate dress and other formal things that impress the interviewers.

For the senior job, the written exam can conduct, if you pass the examination may require to provide your documents for the further process.

3. Visa Application;

In comparison to the private sector, government personnel receives visas much more quickly, therefore you might obtain a work permit within 15 days.

4. Training;

The New workers must learn the departmental culture and work environment, therefore, they go through a week of training before taking full responsibility for their jobs.

5. Appointment;

After completing the training you will get an appointment for the specific roles that you have been hired for.

The above are the five steps of the recruitment process of local government jobs in Dubai, All the government jobs do not publish in the some of the junior level jobs fill through a contract base. Therefore the contractor companies hire themself and supply as per government requirements.

Government jobs in Uae




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