job offer letter uae sample, How to know genuine or fake?

Last Updated on August 5, 2022

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation has developed a framework for job offer letters for all types of government and private organizations. Before applying for the work permit to the ministry both employers and employees must sign it. “Job offer letter UAE sample” can be found on the MOHRE website, which we have also made available in this post.

The majority of individuals are confused and believe that the UAE job offer letter and employment contract are the same thing, however, they are not.

After passing the interview, the employer company offers you a position, however, signing this form does not guarantee that the employer will recruit you.

If the employer company does not require new employees it can cancel or may not apply for a work permit and your job offer letter can lapse without submitting to the Ministry.

After both sides agree on the work hours and days, the first official document you and your employer may sign is a job offer letter.

Although a company can draft the “job offer letter UAE sample” itself, the Ministry of Human Resources has made it essential that it should download from the Ministry of Human Resources website.

To verify whether your job offer letter is genuine or fake you can track it online since it has submitted.

Each individual entering the UAE on a work visa  requires to check the status of job offer letter online. To check your job offer letter online click here.

There are six types of job offer letters depending on the period of employment. Click the buttons below to view the standard format of a job offer letter from the UAE.

job offer letter UAE sample

  1.  Partial job offer – عرض عمل عقد الدوام الجزئي
  2. Full time job offer – عرض عمل عقد الدوام الكامل
  3. Flexible Work Offer – عرض عمل عقد العمل المرن
  4. Temporary Employment Job Offer – عرض عمل عقد العمل المؤقت
  5. Remote Job Offer – عرض عمل عقد العمل عن بعد
  6. Job Offer Job Sharing Contract – عرض عمل عقد تقاسم الوظيفة

Your contract will be re-write based on the job offer letter; therefore, it is a very important document that you should not sign without completely understanding and reading it.

If the employer provides you with a job letter to sign, you should determine if it relates to one of the formats described above or not.

As there is a lot of fraud in online job seeking and offering, you should check the job offer letter, labor card, work permit and labor contract, etc. Since all the government services in UAE are online you must verify all the legal documents that I have mentioned above.


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